Vegetable milks: alternatives to cow's milk in children allergic to milk protein

My youngest son who is currently 16 months old is allergic to cow's milk, rather, to cow's protein. An allergy that greatly limits your diet given the amount of food to which milk proteins are added.

He had no problems the first year during which he drank breast milk (I excluded dairy from my diet). From the year on, my doubts began about what type of milk I would introduce into their diet. He currently drinks a hydrolyzed cow's milk prescribed by his pediatrician, which I use only to accompany his cereals. This cannot be used for the preparation of desserts or sauces, because when subjected to high temperatures it loses its nutritional properties.

Looking for alternatives always attending medical advice, I include in your diet vegetable drinks (also called milks): of rice and oatmeal.

Rice milk It is ideal for preparing desserts, its flavor is soft and Arturo takes it well with cookies. Among its properties are that of being easily digested. It provides magnesium and polyunsaturated fatty acids, but its protein and calcium levels are low, although several brands enriched with calcium are on the market. I buy one of organic production to which marine algae rich in calcium have been added.

In turn I also prepare your dishes with oat milk. This drink is made with whole grains of oatmeal. It contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), iron, manganese and essential fatty acids. Like rice, they enrich it with calcium.

But there are not only these two varieties of vegetable milks. Another highly recommended milk is that of almonds, which provides a significant amount of calcium and proteins that can complement those of animal origin and is quite rich in iron and linoleic acid. I fear this one a little because nuts also produce allergies, so I'll leave it to introduce later.

The best known of all milks is that of soy, with high vegetable protein content. This is what I use to prepare my coffee, however Arturo does not take it for the subject of isoflavones (phytoestrogens); which have been related to precocious puberty in girls and feminization of sexual development in children fed soy milk. In fact it is a recommended drink for menopausal women, one day I give a soy-based yogurt that they love because they taste good.

However, if your child suffers from food allergies or intolerances, it is always advisable to follow your pediatrician's instructions before making any decision about your diet. The doctor is the person who has the first-hand information.