Feature: "The story of the most beautiful", mothers who risk everything for their children

Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day in many places in the world, and seeing the introduction of this report has given me to think about the condition of mother. On how most of us offer our unconditional love to the little ones, but how some of us have it easier than others.

For some mothers in the developing world or in the third world try to make your children happy and move forward It involves many difficulties, for many it is impossible and for others there are no barriers that prevent you from trying a better life.

It's what we found in this documentary titled "The history of the most beautiful", which tomorrow night will broadcast on the 2 of TVE the program "Documents TV". The report can also be viewed online from the program's website ("Video Library" section).

I could see the beginning of the video, which tells the story of Olurombi, an African woman whom Spanish fishermen collected adrift in the Mediterranean.

The name "Olurombi" means "the most beautiful" and she only represents one of the hundreds of sub-Saharan women who take the risk to try to give their children a future, a better life. For it, embark pregnant in the boats heading to Europe, putting their lives and their babies' lives at risk.

To reconstruct the history of Olurombi, who disappeared after the media commotion that surrounded the rescue of the patera with 50 more people, the documentary collects the testimonies of several compatriots of his who undertook the same trip in a canoe. Most of these mothers saw their birth and see their children grow up in different parts of Spain. Brave mothers, survivors, who managed to leave a world without a future and give their children a better life.

A Nigerian storyteller tells the adventures of Olurombi and the possible outcome of his story. But it's not a story. I hope to see the full documentary.

Video: Young Scooter "No Features" feat. Kodak Black (May 2024).