Listening to several languages ​​before 6 months influences adult language learning

Well, I wish my husband or I would have known a lot of languages ​​to have spoken and sung to our son during his first 6 months of life, because according to British researchers Babies who listen to speeches in a foreign language They learn languages ​​more quickly in schools or as adults.

Psychologists from the University of Bristol state that the developing brain of babies goes through a period of "programming" that establishes their ability to recognize key sounds in any language and that babies exposed to multiple languages ​​during their first months of life retain such ability to recognize sounds.

This is credible and is not new, but the study is very limiting on dates and denies or questions common practices such as starting language teaching at 4 years.

Affirm that up to 6 months The baby has the ability to understand any sound of any language, but after six months a child can only distinguish vowels from his native language and at 9 months the same thing happens with consonant sounds. From 10 months on, the ability for languages ​​is reduced only to the native language.

I hope that this limitation refers only to speaking a language perfectly because it is a fact that children who begin a linguistic immersion much later (by adoption, because they attend a school in another language or for other reasons) manage to be bilingual.

Regarding this topic, I learned in a course that the best language for a baby to listen to is the RUSSIAN because it has the widest range of sound frequencies, which explains the great skill of the Slavs to speak other languages ​​with hardly any accent.

Well, with all this information, if I have a second child, I will convert my house into the Tower of Babel during the first year of life.

Video: How to learn any language in six months. Chris Lonsdale. TEDxLingnanUniversity (June 2024).