Excessive weight gain in pregnancy raises the risk of obesity in children

We know that an excessive weight gain during pregnancy It is not good for the health of the future mother, nor for the baby, and for many reasons. The excess of kilos can cause premature delivery, hypertension, preeclampsia ...

It is an excellent time to take care of and control the weight, in addition, if we want to prevent our child also have excess kilos, not only at birth, but also in the future, since the baby could be more prone to obesity.

The "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" has published a study prepared by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania (USA). Looking at data from more than 10,000 pairs of mothers and children, it turned out that the children whose mothers had gained more weight than recommended during pregnancy were 48% more likely than other children to be overweight at 7 years old.

Excessive weight gain of future moms would affect fetal development increasing the risk of a development of obesity in children later.

Although not everything is reduced at the time of pregnancy, and this is something that both common sense and other research have already shown enough, since both genetic and educational factors come into play in obesity. The eating habits and physical exercise Having a family can condition the health of all its members.

Thus, maintain a healthy weight before and between pregnancies (Actually, always, for the sake of our own and, as we see, of our offspring) should also be an objective: the children of obese mothers who gained weight as recommended during pregnancy, were also prone to obesity.

Video: Study - Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy Increases Risk of Gestational Diabetes (May 2024).