People who decorate their house early for Christmas are happier and more sociable, say the studies

"Mom, when are we going to decorate the house for Christmas?", my children asked me last Friday, while we collected the remains of the decoration of the Halloween party that we had celebrated the previous afternoon. The truth is that your question did not surprise me, because almost all shops already show off their Christmas clothes, and nougat and polvorones begin to be placed strategically in supermarkets.

But yes you are one of those who think that it is still too early to succumb to the magic of Christmas, you should know that according to some published studies, decorating your home ahead of time for Christmas makes us happier and more sociable... and if you also have children, they will thank you immensely!

Is there a specific time to start with Christmas decoration?

When we talk about putting the Christmas tree or the Bethlehem, making our own ornaments, singing Christmas carols or placing colored lights on the facade of our house, people's opinions are divided:

  • Some people believe that the end of the Halloween celebration is the kick off to start Christmas decoration, and all that that entails.

  • For other people, This moment is at the beginning of December, and in our country many people make it coincide with the bridge of the Constitution (from December 6 to 9).

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But, despite what they consider "appropriate", the truth is that there is no socially stipulated date to start with Christmas decoration, so, during the month of November, people invaded by the Christmas spirit often live with those who are ashamed to see the "nope dads" hanging from the terraces of their neighbors.

People who decorate their homes before are happier and more sociable

If you are part of the first group, and are you wishing to dust off the christmas ornaments box and to be able to sing the famous carol of Mariah Carey, you should know that, according to the studies, you are a happy, sociable and nostalgic person.

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The English psychoanalyst, Steve McKeown, explained it this way in the Unilad newspaper:

"The most common reasons that would explain why people decorate for Christmas early are the nostalgic ones, whether to relive the magic or to compensate for the abandonment of the past. In a society full of stress and anxiety, people like associate with things that make them happy, and in this sense, Christmas decorations evoke those strong childhood feelings".

"Christmas decorations are simply an anchor or a way to relive those magical emotions of childhood. So putting the decoration early keeps the emotion alive for longer!"

But within the Christmas decoration there are different degrees, and there are those that decorate their houses from inside doors, and those that they illuminate the exterior as if it were a magical amusement park.

In this sense, according to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, people who decorate the facades and gardens of their homes are more sociable and accessible, and their neighbors tend to perceive them as friends.

This same logic is what children apply when they celebrate Halloween night to the shout of trick or treat. And if not, let's think: which houses are your favorite when ordering candy? Without a doubt, those that present the most terrifyingly striking decoration.

But ... what if I am the Grinch of Christmas?

If you don't need reasons to decorate your home before most people, congratulations! Apart from live these dates with full happiness and enthusiasm, your children will thank you greatly, as there is nothing more fun, exciting and magical for a child like Christmas.

But if you feel that every year that passes the spirit of the Grinch is taking over you, try to put him aside and let yourself be invaded by the nostalgia of your childhood at this time of year. The illusion of children is contagious and Christmas really has magic if you live it through their eyes

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Place the colored lights on the tree, see the endearing films that will begin to show on these dates, hang a beautiful garland on the door, feel the heat of the fireplace, read Christmas stories, anxiously await the arrival of the Magi ... Do not you feel a tingle of emotion to remember all these experiences of your childhood?

Therefore, if you think you are the Grinch of Christmas, I encourage you to stop for a few minutes the whirlwind of your day-to-day obligations and rescue what you are likely to feel when you were little.

If we manage to impregnate ourselves with that Christmas spirit, we will be able to transmit it to our children and live the dates that are coming in a magical and special way. And if we can also do it ahead of time ... remember what the studies say about it!

Photos | iStock

Video: Your scientific excuse to start decorating for Christmas now (May 2024).