Toy rental, a great idea

In Spain I have not found any company that offers this service, but in the United States it is already working and it seems like a great idea.

Rent a Toy and Baby Plays are dedicated to the rental of toys both to individuals and to public places where it is necessary to entertain children (waiting rooms, leisure centers, nurseries, etc.) in exchange for a monthly flat rate that is around the 25 dollars, more or less 20 euros.

You can choose the amount of toys you want (from 4 to 10) from a fairly wide list (between 350 and 500), they take them home and you keep them for 30, 60 or the days you want depending on the use that Give them your son. When the deadline is over you return them and you can ask for new ones again.

They say they are in "like new", although there are solutions if any piece is lost or a toy is broken as usual in the case of children.

I found it a very practical solution for parents of young children. On the one hand we save money because if we make accounts it is possible that we spend a higher amount per year in the purchase of toys. If we talk about a reasonable monthly figure, in times of crisis like the one we live in, it's not bad. On the other, we avoid having at home a quantity of toys that children no longer use. Also, if the child wants to play again with a toy that we have already returned, it can be ordered again. What do you think about the idea of ​​renting toys?