Lunar calendar to know the time of delivery (April 2009)

There is a popular belief that associates the different phases of the moon with the moment of delivery. The belief is based on the fact that if the moon has an effect on the tides, how it will not have an effect on humans, that we are mostly water and how it will not have an effect on the births of babies, those little creatures that inhabit in an aqueous medium called amniotic fluid.

As it is said, each cycle change (new, growing, full and decreasing moon) is a time of maximum possibility to give birth to those women who are close to the time of delivery. Even the day when there is a full moon is specified as the time when there are more births.

The truth, and Lola told us a long time ago, is that studies have been conducted on this subject and it has been seen that there is no difference between cycles nor can it be demonstrated that the days when the cycle change occurs there are more deliveries hospital. Despite the evidence, 65% of Spaniards still believe that there are more full moon births compared to 35% who believe that the full moon does not affect. These data have been obtained from several surveys of people of different educational levels.

Personally I join the 35% group, but there are those who prefer (or want) to believe that the influence of the moon exists.

For these people (and for those who want to look out of curiosity) I bring this Moon's calendar in which the cycle changes are appreciated.

And I specify the day and the moment at which the peak moment of the cycle occurs and begins to change:

• Increasing cycle: Day 2 at 2:35 p.m. • Full moon: Day 9 at 2:57 p.m. • Waning cycle: Day 17 at 13:37 h. • New moon: Day 25 at 03:24 h.

Without more, I place those who are waiting for a baby for the month of april to tell us if there has been a coincidence with any cycle change.

Video: Does The Chinese Gender Calendar Really Work (May 2024).