Why it is said that breastfeeding is on demand (III)

A few days ago we explained some changes that happen in breast milk during the intake and today we will enter this topic to deepen a little more in these changes and in how babies control it.

Of course I assure you that it is hard to believe it, because it is such a control that a child has over his diet that even scares (at least ...).

It is known that the milk of one of the breasts is richer in protein than the other. This suggests that children can choose which breast to take based on the protein needs they have.

We already commented in the previous post that milk, as living tissue that it is (like blood, which is a living liquid tissue), changes its composition during drinking. The truth is that not only changes during the shot, but that It also changes while no shot is being taken.. The amount of fat in a shot is also variable, as there is not always the same concentration in all shots. This average amount of fat depends:

  • From the time that has passed since the last shot: the more time passes, the lower the concentration, because he understands that in the previous shot there was more fat and this has made him endure more time without food.
  • Of the amount of fat left in the chest in the previous dose: if the child leaves a lot of fat in the breast in the next dose, the milk will be more watery because the child does not need so many calories per dose.
  • Of the volume ingested in the previous blowjob.
  • Of the volume ingested in the current blowjob.

In this way children control the composition of the milk they are going to drink based on three factors:

  • The amount of milk you drink in a blowjob.
  • The frequency of the shots.
  • Take one breast or both: when they are little they can suck on the second breast if they have finished the first and are still hungry. When they are older and can move themselves they change from one breast to another during the same shot.

Returning to the example of the soup that I already used in the previous entry, it is as if at home we had a cook who is all day preparing our delicious and nutritious letter soup.

If you see that it takes us a while to get to the kitchen you will think that in the other soup you put too many letters and that's why we get too full. So start to get lyrics as more time goes by.

If you also see that we have not finished the previous dish, you will consider it to put a little less soup and will also take it into account to put a little less letters.

It will also take into account how long it has taken us to eat the previous dish and will be able to modify our dish, at the time we are eating it, to have at all times the precise amount of food and nutrients.

Well, this cook exists and has the name of the baby in association with the mother's hormonal system.

Through this control children are secured every day the amount of calories and nutrients they need.

So you can see to what extent the control of the babies arrives, I explain an experiment: some babies were breastfed with one breast for a week. For another week they were given breastfeeding from both breasts in each shot, interrupting the first breast.

Theoretically, the week they suckled from a single breast should have taken more fat, however the babies modified the frequency of the shots and the duration of each shot (the other two factors that they could control) to get the same amount of fat they needed. Incredible true?

To recommend a mother to breastfeed her child for ten minutes on each breast every 3 hours is to cancel the three control factors of taking a baby, which can only take what "touches".

Some (few) will have enough, but many will be dissatisfied and cry from hunger, will have weight problems and will most likely need to supplement breast milk with a bottle, because by not sucking as much as they need, milk production will be less than required (the amount of milk produced depends on the amount of suction).

That is why food control is left to the person who has more information about the needs of a baby, that is, babies. That is why it is recommended that the Breast milk is on demand.

In a few days, and finally with the issue of breastfeeding on demand, I will explain what "on demand" really means.

Photos | Flickr (ODHD), Flickr (Alexander Tundakov) On Babies and more | Why it is said that breastfeeding is on demand (I), Why it is said that breastfeeding is on demand (II), Keys to successful breastfeeding

Video: Hand Expression (July 2024).