Get vaccinated against caesarean section

The Argentine association Giving birth has pleasantly surprised me with this impressive poster with which it carries out its campaign in the World Week for a Respected Birth. "Get vaccinated against caesarean section"he says, and lists the non-medical risk factors for suffering one.

We had already met his ad "Don't let them put you to bed" equally ironic and direct.

And they are right: C-section rates are crazy here and across the sea. In Spain there are clinics where it is not that they are in the already incorrect 20% that many of them have, but that it reaches calmly 30% or more. All these figures far exceed the rates recommended by WHO for all countries.

If the mother has a previous caesarean section, if there are parties nearby or if it is a private center, the chances of little justification or direct caesarean section are triggered. And a C-section, which in case of need saves lives, is a major surgery operation with greater risks than a vaginal delivery for the mother and the baby.

Therefore, if you are in one of the "risk groups", "Get vaccinated against caesarean section"It is better to be deeply informed of the protocols and indexes of caesarean sections of the center to which we are going to go and also be prepared to go to the professional that deserves our total trust and shows us that it deserves it. It is the life of our children, it is It's about our bodies.

Video: Pros and Cons of Elected C-Sections (July 2024).