"Famous phrases of children 2": what occurrences!

"El Hormiguero" is not a children's program, but one of its funniest sections has children as protagonists. I love to listen the famous phrases of children, the occurrences of the little ones, how those intelligent free-thinking beings sometimes open our eyes, sometimes they have fun, sometimes they remove something from us in there and always surprise us with their sincerity ...

These occurrences have been compiled in two volumes, we have already talked about some famous phrases that we found in the first edition, and now in "Famous phrases of children 2" A new selection of phrases await the reader who wishes to have the look of a child again ... and I assure you that he is recovering!

The book is edited by Aguilar, and from its website you can read the first chapter, with a selection of occurrence phrases of which we leave a fun sample:

  • David, 4 years: Looking at Picasso's Guernica, he said: "But what disorder is this?"
  • Irene, 9 years old: One night she was sleeping with her mother and the very serious girl said: "Mom, you're like a rose." And his mother, excited, asked "Why, honey?" And she replied: "Because your legs are pricked as if you had thorns."
  • Almudena, 4 years old: Almudena was playing and her mother was lying on the couch watching TV when they knocked on the door. His mother told him: "Almu, open up, that is your father." And Almudena replied: "Open you, who is your husband."
  • Patricia, 4 years: Patricia was lost one day in a shopping center, approached a security guard and said: "Excuse me, my parents have been lost." And he asked: "Won't you miss it?" And Patricia replied: "No, no, I was watching the toys."
  • Cristina, 7 years old: This is a note that Cristina left to her parents one day that they punished her: "Dear parents: I'm leaving home because I don't deserve to live here. A kiss, Cristina. I'm in the garage, bye."
  • Pablo, 5 years old: One day he said to his mother: "Mom, do you know what my biggest third wish is? Eat a whole melon!" "And the first and the second?" Asked his mother. And Pablo said: "I still haven't thought about it!"
  • Maria, 5 years old: One day Maria said to her mother: "Mom, do you know what a hongosexual is?" "No, my life, what is it?" Asked his mother. Maria replied: "Well, it's like a cool guy, but he likes boys."
  • Alejandro, 5 years old: Alejandro was in the pool with his father sunbathing and suddenly asked him: "Dad, if I get too dark, will I still speak Spanish?"
  • Paco, 8 years: One day it was raining a lot, Paco's sister commented: "This looks like the Universal Flood." And then Paco said: "The Universal Flood, and I without knowing love."
  • Ivan, 6 years: "The elderly are strong and do not cry in pain ... They cry from sadness, love, onion ...".
  • Pilar, 5 years old: The day he turned 5, when he woke up in the morning, he told his father: "Dad, I don't notice anything, but will I know how to read?"
  • Jordi, 6 years old: This is the note that Jordi left to Ratoncito Pérez: "Hello, Ratoncito Pérez, my tooth has fallen. Sorry, bad news, I have swallowed it and I cannot give you the tooth. But I will make you a He drew".
  • Rodrigo, 5 years old: At a meal he saw that his mother was drinking wine and said: "Mommy, you're drinking wine ... You'll see ... we can't drive for you."

Surely as parents and moms you have some famous phrases of your children... I'm already looking forward to writing down my daughter's when I start talking!

Official Site | Aguilar In Babies and more | Famous and funny phrases of children

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).