Waiting for the baby: preparations for family organization

There are couples who argue that you cannot anticipate everything that involves having a baby or raising the family when you already have children. That it is not necessary to train with books and receive suggestions from family members, but that the education of children is a natural act that should not be artificialized by the environment, since it is a sign of insecurity.

In my opinion, the decision to have a child can be compared metaphorically with a trip. It is true that you can do "adventure", without planning anything in advance and acting according to what is emerging, but it is very interesting to consult a guide and ask those who have already traveled the same route.

Let's introduce a few ideas about what preparations are interesting in terms of family organization when a baby is waiting.

  • What rhythm of life do we lead? It is very important to have enough time and energy to care for the baby calmly, margin of schedules and well rested. Investing in a restful sleep will allow you to face every day with an optimistic and constructive attitude.
  • Adaptation. It is not reasonable to think that life will be the same before having the new family member. Nor does it seem fair to think that it will be the baby who has to adapt to the family. The most equitable is to propose that the adaptation will be mutual, in part the baby will have to accept the schedules of the family and the family yield to the needs of the baby.
  • Modification of habits. There are assignments that are essential such as maintaining routine sleep schedules, being home soon, maintaining low noise levels during naps and at night or trying to maintain the order of activities (food, clothing, bathing, games) so that they are predictable by the baby. This will provide security on a daily basis.

In general, I think that fantasizing about the arrival of the baby and preparing our personal situation to attend to him with enough margin to not stress ourselves, is a facilitating measure of tranquility, satisfaction and enjoyment. These preparations of the family organization will allow us to better accommodate the baby. Finishing with the metaphor of the trip, many guide writers ensure that the journey does not start when leaving home, but when preparing the way.