The baby-Aido

Beyond ideologies and postures that I will not enter now, I have found the initiative called very ingenious Aido Baby that have launched a group of individuals with the objective of raise awareness about abortion.

Eight friends, including doctors, nurses, psychologists and lawyers, have created a plastic replica of a 12-week-old baby. With the idea of ​​demonstrating that it is a human being in miniature they wanted to make this tangible example that fits in the palm of a hand.

Like a fetus that grows inside the mother's womb, it measures 5 cm and in its body you can perfectly differentiate head, face, trunk, arms, legs, hands and feet.

As you will know, all this comes as a result of the controversy arisen a couple of months ago by the abortion law that put on the table whether or not a 12-week-old baby is a human being.

In that context, the Minister of Equality Bibiana Aido said that "it is a living being, but not a human being, because there is no scientific basis for it." And from there exploded all kinds of comments pro and anti abortion, and now these mini-toys.

They have been ordered to manufacture 200,000 dolls that will be given to senior government officials, deputies, senators, journalists, media and sold online. The proceeds will be destined to spread the 'Aido Baby' throughout Spain and to care work with women who suffer a pregnancy in difficulty.

Those who want to participate in the initiative can acquire an Aido baby through the official website created especially for the campaign, which also shows an ultrasound of a baby of 12 weeks gestation and explains the evolution of the fetus during those 10 weeks from the fertilization.

I don't know if the initiative will be in line, but curious and ingenious it is. What do you think?

Official site | Baby-Aid In Babies and more | The Government will approve free abortion up to three and a half months

Video: bonny smoggie and baby aido (July 2024).