What do you ask as parents to the Magi?

Today is a magical day for children as the Magi will fulfill their wishes by leaving them the toys they have requested in the letter. But the elders, the parents of these children, what do we want to make our life with them fuller? What would you ask as parents to the Magi this year? Let's try a self-analysis exercise.

I have it clear. What I would ask of the Magi is more time to play with my daughters and a good extra dose of patience.

Time is a precious asset in the times that run. Parents are all day busy between work, obligations, housework ... We almost have no time to be with children, and if we are together we rarely use that time to play with them.

Share time with them It is not just being under the same roof. I would like to have more time to play with them, wallow on the floor, laugh together, put together puzzles, paint, cook, make crafts, ... Finally I have an endless list that I will do my best to meet this year. I will put it on purpose because when we realize we will have passed the childhood of our children ahead of our noses.

Patience, and a good extra dose, could also do me well to face the coming months. With a newborn baby and two girls, ages three and five, you need to have saddlebags loaded with patience, especially when your mother has not been born with too many reservations.

Patience is a virtue that we must exercise when we have children. I ask for the ability to count to a thousand when necessary before hitting a scream, having the patience to explain things instead of giving orders and to repeat them a hundred times when they don't understand them.

So, time to play with my daughters and patience It is what I ask your Majesties the Magi to leave at home next to my shoes in two tightly closed bags.

And what do you ask them? Anything goes. Hours of sleep, that the little one eats better, a little brother ...