"Time to be a mother": documentary about the biological clock of motherhood

The average age of mothers has increased in recent times leaving behind the twenty of our mothers to give way to the thirty years now (well, 30.83 years on average in 2007 to be exact).

The reasons are diverse: labor and economic instability, the abusive price of homes to date, the general stress of the population, the decrease in sperm quality, the need to "burn cartridges" before having children (travel, live as a couple, ...), the emotional stability of the couple and many others that I leave in the inkwell.

Kate Silverton, star of the BBC documentary “Time to be a mother” that today I bring you and that you can see at the end of the entrance, she is a thirty-five-year-old woman with a job that she loves, that reports economic independence and that begins to ask how a baby could fit into her life and even if it is not too late, because of his age, to try to be a mother. As we explained in Babies and more recently, one in four women born in the 1970s will not have children, either by choice or because age ends up making a dent in the chances of conception to the point of not achieving a pregnancy.

This is the case of Linda Towse, one of the women who focuses on the documentary, who is 45 years old and has spent the last five trying to get pregnant.

I explain this particular case because I think it is the one that makes the most reflection. Imagine how hard it can be for a couple and for a woman to realize that, by delaying the moment of having children, it is very likely that she will never get them.

The documentary deals with some other case of women of different ages being more than interesting to observe how Kate Silverton, the journalist who stars in the documentary, feels the awakening of her maternal instinct and her need to be a mother.

I do not say more, since the best thing is that you see it yourself. “Time to be a mother” It was broadcast on La2, within the program “The theme night” in October 2007 and you can see it below: