Dads and moms blogs (I)

As every week, although with a small change in the title, we bring you a review with the best we have been able to read these days in some of the blogs written by dads and moms.

We have recently reflected on the peculiar way of talking about babies, either by signs, or by very words sui generis that parents have the virtue of interpreting. The housewife man He has told us how his son Darío is the king of the suffix, because since he was very young he has finished the words according to his peculiar criteria: "papayi" and "mamayi" are just a sample of a funny hobby that many of us recognize in our babies.

And we continue with a lot of humor, because in I grow up the dwarves We have the funny explanation for a mystery that is probably familiar to you: a black hole zampa-toys, the mystery of where those toys composed of different parts and that are incomplete at home go.

In Baballa (How to be a mother and not die trying) We read how the mother, despite being sick, discovers that her children of three and five years are not aware of the disease, it is as if she were so healthy and want to continue playing and doing everyday things. The days of healing on the couch were left behind ...

We have also discovered a book in Kiss of love, "The repression of maternal desire and the genesis of the state of unconscious submission," by Casilda Rodrigañez and Ana Cachafeiro, which we can download or read on-line. This approach to the work invites you to read the work.

Finally, I wanted to bring you a reflection from the news that in 2011 the paternity leave will be four weeks. There are still parents who do not see any favor in this extension, as we read in The stories of Papa Lobo, a father who has accumulated the time he has been able to spend with his baby and does not understand those who do not want to know anything about equality. And he warns: "the day you want to spend more time with your child, maybe he prefers to stay to work."

We hope this tour has been enjoyable. We will continue reading and adding a new week Review of our selection of dads and moms blogs.