E-chair, a very versatile high chair

It is essential that when buying an item for the baby we think about future use when the child grows up. Today we can find convertible furniture of all kinds as it is E-chair, a very versatile high chair created by a Japanese designer that can later be used in many other uses.

Its first use is that of a highchair for the baby that allows him to share the table with the rest of the family, by the way, it is very similar to a Stokke model. But once the baby does not need it, the chair is not doomed to occupy space in the storage room, but is reinvented so that it can be used by the whole family.

Thanks to its multiple slots, it can become many other furniture. On a rocker, in a chair with different heights and on a stool. That is, in addition to the use of the high chair, we have four uses for the same piece of furniture.

As a high chair it has a minimalist design, which some prefer to other characteristics such as having wheels, reclining seat or tray, accessories that I find essential in a chair to eat. But of course it has a limited duration.

As for tastes of colors, the advantage of E-chair is that whoever likes its design, finds a piece of furniture with multiple options. Do you like it?