Parents make a detailed report explaining what their hospital should improve

When a baby is born in a hospital and when our child is admitted for a few days and the care received is not what we expected, two things can be done, try to forget the subject and "even another" or let our discontent know to try to improve things for those who come behind.

This is precisely what a couple from Cádiz, recent parents, who had a daughter at the Hospital de Jerez, in Cádiz, where they had to enter due to infection due to Escherichia Coli and jaundice. The couple has written a detailed report (no less than 36 pages) in which they explain what happened there and what should have happened, according to the recommendations of organizations such as WHO, the Junta de Andalucía, of the same European Union, etc.

This document aims to promote changes at the Hospital de Jerez to improve the treatment of babies and their parents and to defend exclusive breastfeeding (apparently the erroneous advice and the functioning of the neonatology unit itself cause many difficulties to maintain said exclusive breastfeeding).

The report can be downloaded here. It is written with a lot of respect and gives us the possibility, to the readers, to take a mental picture of the reality that is lived in said Hospital, while serving as a formative element for many parents who do not know that the operation and protocols of Some hospitals should have been renovated a long time ago.

I have read the full report and I can only applaud the work of these parents, since it is very complete, it contains updated information, it is in a way a sample of what happens in most of the Spanish hospitals and why, because of this reason, This report could be signed by the vast majority of recent parents who must spend a few days with their child in a hospital.

I hope this report serves to improve things at the Jerez Hospital and, at the same time, is read by all parents and future parents and all professionals and future health professionals, since it includes, in a few pages, the majority of recommendations from the highest organizations in terms of neonatal health in the world.

Video: MD vs. Machine: Artificial intelligence in health care (July 2024).