The future of the environment

Although with a late weekend, I would not like to miss the opportunity to remember that last June 5 World Environment Day was celebrated. One of the issues that as a citizen and especially as a mother worries me is the fragility of our environment, and I would like to convey to my daughters the importance of their care and respect.

The vignette that precedes these lines shows an imaginary future in which we are already grandparents and we are witnessing how our environment can deteriorate. Children do not know a world in which we could bathe in the sea or we did not have to wear masks to breathe fresh air.

Hopefully this apocalyptic vision never comes to fruition, but surely centuries ago the people who inhabited this planet could not imagine events that unfortunately are occurring, such as mass pollution, lack of water, global warming ...

Since 1973, every June 5 is celebrated World Environment Day which was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations with which the Conference of Stockholm (Sweden) began, whose central theme was the Environment.

There the UN General Assembly approved the creation of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Through this day it is intended to sensitize world opinion in relation to environmental issues, intensifying the attention and action of the authorities and the population in general.

Promoting care for the environment we guarantee a more prosperous and safe future for our children, for our grandchildren and generations to come. There are many fun ways to celebrate our Environment Day with our children, any day of the year.

  • Tree plantation
  • Creation of orchards
  • Turn off the lights
  • Close the taps
  • Read stories for environmental education
  • Recycle
  • Take care of plants
  • Draw nature
  • Walking and playing outdoors
  • Visit the park, the garden, the zoo, the river, the beach ...

Together with our children and through the involvement of the whole society we can avoid a future like that of the vignette, loving and respecting our natural environment and being aware of the importance of their care.

Video: Dear Future Generations: Sorry (May 2024).