A woman becomes pregnant with a baby by in vitro fertilization and twins naturally in the same week

Stories like the ones we tell you today are extremely rare cases in which life makes its way against all odds. The British Beata Bienas, a 36-year-old woman, had been trying to get pregnant for eight years without getting it and, without waiting for it, she has just been a mother for three times.

She gave birth to triplets conceived in the same weekTwo of them are naturally conceived twins while undergoing in vitro fertilization of the third baby. According to doctors, it is virtually impossible for this to happen.

Three babies conceived in the same week

The woman presented infertility due to problems of overweight and polycystic ovaries, so doctors advised her to lose weight to increase the chances of achieving a pregnancy.

He lost weight for six months until doctors gave him the approval to undergo in vitro fertilization treatment. During the month of April he received ovarian stimulation injections and on May 2 an embryo transfer was made, not knowing that days before she had become pregnant with twins naturally.

Getting pregnant while already pregnant with another baby is a very unusual condition known as superfetation.

In Babies and more You become pregnant with your partner while pregnantly surrogate the baby of another couple Photo: SWNS

After 34 weeks of gestation, gave birth to three babies on December 13: Amelia, and the twins Matylda and Borys.

The doctors have been completely surprised. Fertility expert Emma Cannon says that in her 25 years as a specialist she has only encountered one or two cases of women who have become pregnant while undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. But in these cases it happened before the transfer and they decided to continue with their natural pregnancy.

"I have never found anyone who conceived naturally before or at the time of embryo transfusion and then became pregnant by in vitro fertilization."

Video: Does IVF lead to twins and multiple births? (May 2024).