The cesarean scar, spots or staples?

The staples have in many cases replaced the traditional stitches to close the C-section wound, but about whether they are better the spots or staples for the cesarean scar There are opinions for all tastes.

Those who have the most authority to comment are women who have suffered in their own flesh (never better) one or another method to close the caesarean section. Of course, you are more than invited to leave your comments at the end of the post.

That said, let's talk about staples and dots. A study released a few months ago stated that the points are better than the staples, because the women who had received them had suffered fewer complications in the wound than those who had used staples.

In women with staples the rate of wound separation had been much higher, as were the problems with the bandage.

However, one of the great advantages of the staples lies in the speed to place them, considerably shortening the duration of the caesarean section, and in possible medical errors with the needle, although much also depends on the expertise of the surgeon.

However, we now know a new study with different results. In a follow-up at two and six months after delivery to women who had had a C-section, no aesthetic differences were found between staple scars and dot scars.

It is true that they just started to use, the first staples left much more mark, but today the results are very similar to those of the points. The aesthetic results of one or the other depend more on the type and color of the skin than on the technique used.

According to the authors of the study, in order to decide on the staples or points, factors such as the technique that best dominates the surgeon and other aspects of the mother that influence wound healing should be taken into account. For example, the skin color (dark skin is more prone to keloids), if you are a smoker, suffer from a disease or health problem.

You see, we currently have two versions. One in favor of the points and another according to which the staples and the dots offer similar aesthetic results in the cesarean scar. You who have suffered it in your own flesh, what opinion do you have about one or another method?

Video: Surgical wound healing (May 2024).