How to educate our children in peace and non-violence

Today is celebrated on School Day of Nonviolence and Peace, recognized by UNESCO in 1993. On this date the need for education for tolerance, solidarity and respect for others is remembered, values ​​that as parents we have the responsibility to teach our children.

It is not something that can be transmitted from one day to the next, but a daily work since they are small, based on the love for our children and the desire that they are people who promote peace and nonviolence. What teachings should we convey to achieve it?

Promote tolerance

Tolerance is fundamental on the road to peace, a value that I consider basic to teach our children since they are little, because at the same time it encompasses other very important values ​​such as respect, empathy, indulgence and acceptance.

Both in your relationships with other children and with adults, Respect for the ideas, attitudes and opinions of others It is a lifelong teaching.

In Babies and more13 keys to educate children in tolerance

Accept diversity

Children are very open to acceptance, but sometimes we are adults who, through prejudice, condition the little ones.

It is important to let them know that we are all equal and each person, with their cultural differences and beliefs, although they are not the same as ours, it has something good to contribute.

Respect the decisions of others

No matter how old they are, teach them to respect the opinions of others, even if they don't always agree with them. Do not be angry at hearing contrary opinions, and even convey that they can always give their opinion, no matter how different it is from the majority, provided they do so with respect.

It is not easy, especially if they are small, since it is a concept that they have trouble distinguishing and therein lies our influence as parents. In the most everyday situations, at home, on the street, at school, we can go "practicing" with them.

Work on conflict resolution

There are conflicts in all areas of life. Almost daily we find situations to solve and it is important that children have the necessary tools to solve them and understand that dialogue is the only way to solve problems.

The rejection of violence in all its forms is key to preventing situations of bullying in which they may be involved. We must encourage non-violent teaching so that they themselves learn how they should be treated, both by their peers and by adults, and in turn, how they should treat others.

Likewise, teaching them to be assertive contributes to their ability to better resolve the day-to-day conflicts that may arise.

Be supportive

We do not want children to turn their heads when someone needs help. Solidarity could be defined as support causes or interests of others, and the idea of ​​contributing to a whole. A concept that although it is an abstract thing to understand for children, we can transmit it through everyday situations, both at school and at home. From sharing a snack with a partner to helping an old man cross the street, any occasion is a good one.

In Babies and more, what can we do to prevent bullying? Seven keys to educate in values

Foster empathy

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the place of another and understand what you feel or think without having to express it directly. As parents, we should start teaching empathy from practice, putting ourselves in the place of our children to understand them and always treat them with respect.

If we are empathic with them, they will be empathic with others. A skill that not all people have and is key to improving relationships between people.

Educate by example

And finally, one of the most important teachings: educate by example. We are the mirror in which our children look and words are of little use if our actions are not congruent with them. We cannot ask you to practice peace and nonviolence, that they don't hit and that they solve the problems through dialogue if we don't do it with them and with the rest of society.

In Babies and more Five keys to teach our children to debate and discuss with respect

Photos | iStockphoto and Pexels

Video: Quotes for School Day of Non violence and Peace (May 2024).