Losing weight and exercising the pelvic floor after delivery prevents urinary incontinence

One of the preoccupations of the pregnant women is the involuntary losses and if this problem will be resolved or not after giving birth. A study done with women in postpartum has revealed that losing weight in the six months after delivery and exercising the pelvic floor helps prevent urinary incontinence.

Experts have always believed that excessive weight gain in pregnancy was one of the risk factors for postpartum urinary incontinence, however they have not found a scientific basis for this claim.

Instead, they have realized that women who lose more weight after childbirth decrease the risk of developing incontinence during the subsequent six months, but not if they gain weight.

That is, they have not found a relationship between the kilos of more cattle during pregnancy and an increased risk of incontinence six months after delivery.

Along with weight loss, postpartum exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and Kegel exercises, both during and after pregnancy, are the perfect complement to recover that area of ​​the woman's body that is so affected in this period, especially in the case of vaginal delivery.

Video: Pelvic Floor Safe Core Exercises. Physio Safe Core Exercises Video (July 2024).