Vitamin A deficit in infants and children

A recurring theme that is always current are the possible nutritional deficits in children. Although it is true that in developed countries it is very difficult for them to occurIt is also true that it is necessary for the child to receive a varied diet to fulfill this premise.

The problem is that sometimes it is difficult to make a varied diet in a child, especially the youngest ones, who can refuse many of the foods offered. This is a transitory stage but sometimes it can become a serious problem if you do not have enough time and patience to save that child's rejection of certain foods.

The best way to reduce this risk is to Always check the child's diet with the pediatrician and "play" with the preparation of the dishes, so that the professional can certify the sufficient variety and nutritional quality of the food and the child associate eating with something fun.

Even so, it is very common for many parents to have doubts about possible deficits in this age range, one of the most consulted being that of a possible vitamin deficit.

He vitamin A deficit It is a lack of this vitamin, a rare condition in developed media, and that is usually caused by a poor diet in the foods that contain it, which fortunately are many, so it is difficult to produce.

Why vitamin A deficiency occurs

Vitamin A is a natural substance that is produced in certain plants, in the form of so-called carotenes. It is not synthesized in animals, so its origin is always vegetable, although it can be ingested through cereals, vegetables, meats and dairy products.

Your deficit can be caused by a poor intake of these nutrients or because the child makes a diet with inadequate proportions of fats or proteins.

This is so because being a fat-soluble vitamin (that is, it dissolves in fat), it needs certain conditions to be absorbed correctly. With a normal and varied diet, optimal absorption is achieved.

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency

He vitamin A deficit deficit can produce alterations in different layers of the eye, so that it can produce alterations of vision or even blindness, in the most severe cases.

In these cases it is possible that the growth of the child is affected, since this vitamin is related to the processes of regeneration of the cells.

Vitamin A deficit treatment

Apparently it is relatively simple since there are specific preparations, but at the moment of truth it is more complicated, since high doses of vitamin A can be very toxic.

For this reason, the pediatrician establishes a treatment regimen that adapts individually and based on several factors, such as his condition and the deficit. That is why it is so important to follow the instructions of the professional.

What you should never do is give the child vitamins or drugs of any kind, without first consulting with the pediatrician. Since many vitamins are available in the form of preparations that are administered without a prescription, one should especially avoid being tempted to acquire them and give them to the child without consulting before.

Video: My daughter has ADD- Attentive Child Vitamin Review (May 2024).