Activities for children in Zaragoza

Today, October 12, the Feast of Hispanity is celebrated and its patron saint the Virgen del Pilar is especially revered in Zaragoza and throughout Aragon. Precisely During the Pilar festivities in Zaragoza, until October 17, children are protagonists of multiple activities.

And this year more than five hundred proposals for children have been scheduled within the Pilar festive program, including children's theater, musical performances, workshops and games.

Insects will take from October 17 until the Delicias playground, turned into “The park of insects”, with proposals such as the spider school, which invites children to climb “Spiderman style”, or the International Clown Insectival Circus Bug.

In parallel, the Grande park will be filled with tents and barracks in the first edition of the International Festival of Fair Theater, with interesting children's performances.

The Puppet Park, which continues in the Music Kiosk of the Parque Grande (or José Antonio Labordeta) is a unique festive and theatrical space in Spain, with a large offer of puppets for children, mostly free. In the Plaza of the sites there are also puppet representations.

In the children's agenda of the festivities, the comparsa of giants and bigheads, leaving daily (except today 12) occupies a prominent place. Of course, there are many other activities for other audiences, so that no one is left without enjoying these parties. And the best part is that most events are free.

And, as the end of the party, we can go to the World Circus or enjoy the performance of Children's musical idols, Cantajuego, which will bring their latest successes and will delight the little ones on October 18.

As we see, There are many activities for children in Zaragoza these holidays that we should not miss if we are in the city.

Video: Top 10 Things To Do In Zaragoza, Spain (May 2024).