Dad carries bag

"Dad carries a bag" It is a phrase that today can be verbalized without too many problems. A decade ago, however, it sure would have caused laughter and confusion.

The bag has always been considered an indispensable complement for women (who need it to carry all the accessories they may need at any time), but exclusively for them. However, a few years ago, bags began to appear somewhat smaller, taller than wide, with more angular (straight) appearance and dark colors, oriented to men and I was one of those who quickly joined that fashion by a practicality issue

Carrying the wallet in the back pocket is a custom that I have never liked. It is annoying to walk and annoying to sit, having to take out the wallet for it and change it to a front pocket, where it is hot and where it continues to bother.

Car keys and house keys are also bulky and annoying to carry in your pockets. They are nailed according to the gesture you make, take up a lot and make noise. Carrying them on a key ring hung by a carabiner or similar on the trouser clip is no longer an option (long ago it was worn, but now you can look like a warden more than anything else) and take home ones in the car either (if they open you the car is easy to look at your address in the papers and take your keys to pay a visit).

The mobile is another of the essential elements for today's life and, as they are now more and more modern and to make multimedia use large screens, the pants pocket can also be a bad solution (in addition, it is said / commented that can cause testicular cancer).

If we add to all this the arrival of a child, it is expected that one or another children's hookah ends up being necessary to transport and ends up finding a hole in dad's bag.

For all these reasons and perhaps for some more reasons, men carry a bag without any problem, proud to be able to carry our things organized by sections and happy to wear pants without excess bulges and with greater comfort.

If my children one day say that "Dad carries a bag", I will show my duffel bag proudly.