Risk of cystitis during pregnancy

The risk of cystitis during pregnancy It is older than in other stages of women's lives. One of the effects of hormones produced during pregnancy (especially progesterone) is the increase in vaginal secretions.

In addition, there are physiological causes: the increase in the size of the uterus causes the bladder to compress, favoring the retention of urine and, with it, the development of germs.

Also, the presence of glucose in the urine, detected in more than 70% of future moms, is another cause that facilitates the growth of bacteria.

These phenomena, together with the lowering of immune defenses, favor the appearance of vaginal infections and urine infections, the most frequent of which is cystitis.

Cystitis in 80% -90% of cases is due to Escherichia Coli ("Colibacilo"), which is present in our digestive tract normally and sometimes, when eliminated in the urine, causes discomfort when urinating and infections

It is estimated that between two and eight percent of women present germs in the urine during pregnancy, although the symptoms do not usually manifest. It is what is known as "asymptomatic bacteriuria".

It is very important that this type of infection is detected in time so that there are no changes to cystitis or acute pyelonephritis, so urine tests are performed on pregnant women already in the first trimester.

In the presence of stinging or intense itching it is necessary to go to the specialist to determine its cause, always, but especially during pregnancy, because we ensure the health of two and any complications could reverse the health of the fetus.

By means of the indicated analyzes, the type of infection will be specified and the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Either way, and without preventing the gynecologist from going to the slightest suspicion of infection, there are certain tips to prevent cystitis mild and help overcome it.

Soft remedies against cystitis

  • If the disorder is mild, it would be enough not to wear too tight pants or underwear. On the contrary, it is convenient to wear comfortable, baggy cotton clothes, and choose stockings instead of whole panties, also as a preventive measure.

  • Intimate hygiene must be careful and frequent. It is recommended to use non-medicated products, as they may accentuate inflammation if used improperly. It would be best to use a soap with neutral or slightly acidic PH.

  • If the future mother suffers from cystitis, she must have a diet rich in fruit and vegetables to regulate the intestine.

  • Also in case of cystitis it is convenient drink plenty of water. The abundant intake of water is essential because it is an important factor that the urine is very diluted to carry away the germs that cause cystitis.

When cystitis is more frequent in pregnant women

The risk of suffering from this disease increases gradually over the nine months. In addition, the incidence is much higher in older pregnant women, in newborns and in women who have successive pregnancies at very short intervals of time.

In some cases, recurrent cystitis may be due to hormonal or emotional factors (continued stress ...). It is always the specialist doctor who determines the appropriate treatment for cystitis during pregnancy.

In conclusion, we will add that the risk of cystitis during pregnancy It is older especially in women who have been more likely to have this type of infection throughout their lives.