The fat one has touched me, my daughters!

This middle morning Spain was watching the Christmas lottery draw. The truth is that this year I was caught off guard, and I only noticed when I heard the traditional soniquete when putting the radio in the car.

They talked about what we would do if we won the jackpot of the lottery. What we would give our family and what dreams would we realize.

I have stopped to think about what I would do. I can think of many practical things to have a more comfortable life, nothing original, what anyone would do with a few thousand euros more in the checking account, cancel mortgages and things like that, a trip maybe ... For my daughters, no I couldn't think of anything special. Your gifts do not cost too much money, nor do we want them to cost more.

So little had to ask the lottery, and thinking about it, I realized that I have the biggest prize I could ever wish for. They, my two little ones, my daughters.

The most wonderful dream ever imagined, I could not pay with the money won with the lottery. Don't even imagine it before it came true. Having them with me, having enjoyed them from the first moment, laughing and crying together ... What am I going to tell you, dads and moms.

With Christmas just around the corner, and after all these thoughts, it seemed like a good day to hug them especially and tell them what I love them. To thank them for being with me and telling them how proud I am of them, of what they are, of what they know, of what they feel. Also because they have made me better.

They have taught me, among many other things, to say "I adore you". To listen better, to apologize more easily, to tell stories and play clown, not to lose my temper, to cook for every occasion, to develop patience ... And above all to want to continue improving as a person to be the best example possible.

So with this little tribute to them I tell you that the biggest jackpot are my daughtersThey make me happy even when the rest of the world seems to put you in trouble, with their awakenings, their hugs and their smiles give a break and the desire to continue. By the way, the lottery has not touched me ...