"Motherhood and childbirth. Our ancestors and us", a book about the evolution of motherhood

An interesting compilation on the maternity evolution over the centuries it can be found in "Motherhood and childbirth. Our ancestors and us", coordinated by Ana Mateos, researcher at the National Center for Research on Human Evolution.

Through it you can know the role of women in childbirth and breastfeeding over the centuries, as well as the upbringing of children, based on various work done by a team of researchers.

The physical and anatomical changes that the woman has suffered, how her way of gestating, giving birth, the puerperium has evolved, as well as the upbringing habits that she has been adopting in each era.

According to the authors, "Humans have a lot in common with other mammals and primates, although we have some differences". What sets us apart the most, childbirth assistance, they point out, and advocate for "return to a greater interaction of the whole family environment in general and of the father in particular".

"Motherhood and childbirth. Our ancestors and us" It is an extensive work of 262 pages that includes illustrations of which 4,000 copies will be published for free distribution in hospitals, health centers and professionals.

A reading that promises to let us know more about motherhood in the past and reflect on the mistakes that have been made.

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