After 15 years, an anti-vaccine mother finally immunizes her children, and explains what made her change her mind

As regards the care and upbringing of children, there are some issues that are controversial because of the different points of view and beliefs about them. One of these issues is vaccines, which despite having been shown to save millions of lives every year, some people do not trust them and are against it.

The anti-vaccine movement is already considered by WHO as a threat to global health, and despite the various measures that have been taken to stop it, it does not seem to be reduced. But perhaps, there is a better way to treat it.

An anti-vaccine mother has finally vaccinated her three children, after 15 years of having made the decision not to do so, and shares what made her change her mind about immunization.

Kristina Kruzan is doula and mother of three children. 15 years ago, when her first baby was 3 years old she began to feel very interested in knowing more about vaccines, to know exactly what they contained and how it would affect your child.

However, because she still had many doubts, Kristina decided to ask the pediatricians she knew, so they could explain more clearly all about vaccines. As you remember in an interview for TIME, Instead of receiving a comprehensive answer, pediatricians seemed angry to be bothered with their questions..

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Derived from those experiences, and from Not finding who could tell him clearly about vaccines, he decided that he could not trust them: "Do you want me to prick my baby with a needle, put chemicals inside and can't even tell me what it contains?"he argues.

Everything changed about 14 years after making that decision, when he met a naturopathic pediatrician named Elias Klass, during a conference for midwives. By touching the subject of vaccines, He took the time to answer all his doubts, explaining how important they were to protect not only his children, but the people around him.

For Kristina, the friendliness of this pediatrician changed her way of thinking and seeing vaccines, since unlike other doctors, he didn't make her feel inferior and patiently and patiently answered every question she had. After a year of talking with him, she vaccinated her three children, who were then 18, 13 and 7 years old.

Medical care and kindness, a decisive factor

Something that should be highlighted from all this is that The pediatrician who advised Kristina is a naturopath, who becomes a complement to the traditional doctor, since naturopathy is an alternative medicine, similar to homeopathy or naturopathic medicine.

But nevertheless, It is thought that these types of doctors, with the right information, could help increase confidence in vaccines, since people who doubt about them perceive them as a separate element or away from traditional medicine, which could make them more open to listen to their arguments in favor of vaccines.

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But in addition to this type of doctors being an option to approach those who are skeptical about vaccines, Kristina's testimony reveals something that probably needs more attention: the treatment of doctors in general towards patients. This is something that undoubtedly greatly influences not only the vaccination, but the treatment of multiple health issues.

It is important that the medical staff transmit confidence, warmth and kindness, so that people feel more comfortable with them, as well as answer their questions, which are authentic and as valid as any doubts, however simple they may seem. And of course, it would also be ideal if those who do not trust immunization are willing to listen.

Recall that among the main reasons why parents do not vaccinate their children, in addition to cultural or religious reasons, misinformation and myths about vaccines are one of the issues that should be addressed and The best way to do it is in a clearer, more friendly and detailed way, so that they can understand the importance of vaccines and feel heard.

Video: Anti-Vaxxers In Texas Would Rather Have Liberty Than Safety HBO (April 2024).