The paternity leave will be extended to eight weeks this year and will arrive at 16 weeks in 2021

After the rejection of the Budgets by the Congress, the measure of extension of the paternity leave that had been announced by the Government for this year 2019 remained in the inkwell. But the Government plans to approve it by decree law in the coming weeks, before the next elections.

The extended paternity leave to eight weeks for this year and increase it progressively until 16 weeks in 2021.

When would it take effect?

  • The eight-week paternity leave will enter into force as soon as the decree is approved and the day after its publication in the Official State Gazette.

  • From January 1, 2020 will be increased to 12 weeks.

  • from January 1, 2021 will be 16 weeks.

In Babies and more Paternity leave in Spain: how long does parental leave last in each situation?

In 2021, equal and non-transferable permits

Thus in three years, the Government's objective of achieving equal, non-transferable and paid paternity and maternity leave.

The change is included in the draft of the Royal Decree Law on Urgent Measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation, a 28-page document prepared by the Executive.

In Babies and more Do you equate paternity leave or extend maternity leave? Different positions on conciliation

How will they be distributed?

Of the 16 weeks, six will be uninterrupted for both at the beginning and the other ten may be distributed up to 12 months from birth or adoption. The first section will be enjoyed full-time, while the second can be distributed full-time or part-time, but they can't give in.

If both parents exercise the permit “with the same duration and regime”, that is, both enjoy the 10 weeks after the mandatory six, they will have one more extra week each.

In the case of Multiple birth, the permit will be expandable by two more weeks for each child from the second.

In cases where the baby must remain hospitalized after birth, the parents can enjoy an extended permit "on as many days" as the newborn is admitted, up to maximum of 13 weeks additional.

In addition, the nursing license is transferred, so both parents can enjoy one hour of absence at work until your child turns nine months old.

In Babies and more According to the AEPap, maternity leave should be extended to at least six months

Video: Should new dads get 4 weeks' paid paternity leave? (May 2024).