Natural methods to relieve the pain of contractions

Although the sensation of pain is subjective and varies from one woman to another, one of the main characteristics of labor contractions is that they are painful (in a previous post we have already explained why they hurt).

exist natural methods to help relieve labor contractions if the woman does not want to receive epidural anesthesia, or to cope with the first contractions until it arrives.

Epidural analgesia has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it is the only effective way to completely nullify the pain, but on the other it can have adverse effects on the mother's health and the progression of labor.

Some studies indicate that women who tried alternative treatments against labor pains decreased the need for analgesics by 30 percent, so it is interesting to know some pain relief alternatives with non-pharmacological techniques.

Freedom of movement

Have freedom to choose the position that women consider most comfortable at all times It is essential to cope with the pain of contractions. Being lying in an immobilized bed is not the most natural in labor, and unless we want to, it does not help relieve the sensation of pain.

The most useful and most natural position to control pain is vertically, squatting or semi-squatting, because it facilitates the separation of the joints of the bones of the pelvis, increasing its diameter and also facilitating that the baby is placed in the birth canal.

Other positions that can help are: on your knees on the floor, sitting with your legs bent and open and your back resting on a wall or on your partner (so as not to load your back) or standing with your legs apart and walking between contraction and contraction to help lower the baby.

Also sitting in a chair facing the backrest by placing the arms on it and curving the spine, or sitting on a gymnastic ball with open legs.

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques They help relieve muscle tension and focus the mind, two very important things in the process of labor. The state of relaxation also releases stress by decreasing the sensation of pain.

The best known are Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique, which basically consists of learning to tighten and then relax, sequentially, several muscle groups throughout the body, and Schultz Autogenous training, based on physiological exercises and rational of each body part.

Any relaxation technique should start practicing it months before delivery so that it is more effective at the time of giving birth.


Some hospitals have bathtubs with warm water for the expansion phase. The feeling of being submerged in water is very pleasant and helps mitigate the pain caused by labor contractions.

The warm water causes the perineal muscles to relax and soften making the pains less intense and then facilitating expulsion. In turn, relaxation decreases the production of adrenaline, a hormone responsible for hardening the cervix.

Breathing techniques

The deep and conscious breathing It is a widely used method for pain control. Controlling the flow of oxygen that enters the body and sending air to muscles that are tense helps to relax them. In addition, it helps the baby to receive a large amount of oxygen helping him to cope better with the stress of birth.

Therefore, practicing yoga during pregnancy is a highly recommended preparation exercise to give birth. Because in addition to increasing flexibility and helping to maintain physical fitness, different breathing techniques are practiced in yoga that are very useful to cope with the pain of contractions and have a good level of self-knowledge in childbirth.

Electrical stimulation

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (ENET) or TENS for its acronym in English is an analgesic therapy consisting of sending electrical impulses through the skin to reduce labor pains.

They are small electrodes that are placed on the skin and discharge low-voltage electric currents. Stimulating the nerve pathways of the spinal cord interrupts the transmission of pain signals to the brain.

Other natural methods to relieve labor pain

There are other methods also related to pain control in childbirth.

The massages, provided by a trusted person who provides continuous support to the pregnant woman, relaxes the muscles and relieves tensions. Especially in the lower back that is one of the most tense, they provide great relief.

There is also talk of the benefits of acupuncture to relieve the pain of childbirth, but some studies suggest that the millenary technique may not be as effective.

There are those who trust the hypoanalgesic action caused by fine needles, while others believe that they can eliminate obstructions in the circulation and relieve other ailments, but that perhaps in the case of childbirth it does not bring great benefits.

We recently knew that singing could help cope with the pain of childbirth because it triggers the release of endorphins, substances with a sedative effect, which in turn act to reduce the pain of childbirth. It is believed that the force with which the vocal cords are used to produce vibratory sounds can cause sedation that reduces pain.

It is interesting to know that there are alternatives to the epidural or that used as a complement, there are several natural methods that help relieve the pain of labor contractions.

However, as intense as they may have been, women tend to forget the pain of childbirth. Memories of the intensity of pain experienced at that time disappear with the passage of time, but happiness before the arrival of a child endures forever.

Video: Managing Labor Pain. Kaiser Permanente (May 2024).