The evolution of the child in front of the stories

Since their first year of life, children have a capacity to have fun and be fascinated with many things, among which are, obviously, children's stories.

But until they get to enjoy them completely, a evolution of the child in front of the stories.

Children do not get into or get involved in history until about four years. Until then, he is simply a passive listener, not someone who participates in the story.

And is that, between four and eight months, the baby feels interest and impression by the movements: claps, exaggerated gestures or jumps. All this will have an added interest if it is accompanied by a sound rhythm, such as children's rhymes.

During this period, the child may not understand what he is told, but the situation gives him great fascination and will make him pay attention looking at us and listening to us.

From eight to two years He can now look at simple drawings and understand small cartoons in which the main character is a familiar object for him (a car, a dog, a toy ...).

These picture books, of which there are hundreds and hundreds, help to familiarize the child with their daily surroundings, and it is a great and important step for their beginning in the symbolic function.

The symbolic function It is one that allows representing aspects of your past and present experience, as well as anticipating future actions in relation to them, through signifiers (linguistic signs) and meanings (mental representations).

After two years, this symbolic function complements the language, so that the child is already able to follow a representation, the symbolic game and the more elaborate drawings.

The actions he hears in stories and stories help him in his own representations and imitations, and the things he tells us (although they still focus on himself almost always) are sometimes complemented by drawings he makes or sees in books .

Fantastic stories can represent at this stage, for example, their dreams or their fears, seeing them represented in the characters of the stories and in their actions.

Now that we know a little more about the evolution of the child in front of the storiesWe will give some advice for the correct choice of stories for our sons and daughters.