Breasts do not fall from breastfeeding, but from pregnancies

It is one of the great myths about breastfeeding, but numerous research has shown that the breasts do not fall for breastfeeding the baby, but for the pregnancies.

The last study in this regard has been carried out by researchers from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) due to the concern of some mothers with breast implants who think that breastfeeding will spoil their breasts.

What the experts explain is that It is not breastfeeding that causes breasts to fall out, but pregnancies and the passage of time.

The number of pregnancies a woman has (not whether she breastfeeds or not) is what causes her breasts to fall over time.

Operated mothers, worried about the appearance of their breasts after having invested good money in cosmetic surgery, They are less likely to breastfeed their babies successfully. The idea that the breasts will be damaged conditions the proper functioning of breastfeeding, reducing the chances of it being successful.

When analyzing the breastfeeding habits of 160 mothers with breast implants, they found that 86 percent of the 97 mothers who failed to breastfeed thought that breastfeeding would worsen the appearance of their breasts.

Of course, the experts cross out this unfortunate idea. It is necessary to educate the patient and inform women responsibly about the truths and myths of breastfeeding, emphasizing its enormous benefits.

Both those women with breast implants and those who think that their natural breasts will be damaged by breastfeeding their babies, tell them that breastfeeding is the best gift that can be given to a child. And fundamentally, tell them that is not so. Breasts do not fall from breastfeeding, but from pregnancies.

Hormonal changes, weight gain in pregnancy and the number of pregnancies, are some of the risk factors involved in the fall of a woman's breasts.

Video: Should Breast Milk Come in During Pregnancy? CloudMom (May 2024).