Premature Week 2011 in Argentina

Next week, from October 2 to 7, the second edition of Premature Weekwhose axis this year is the "Right of prematurity to be accompanied by his family all the time".

This is a campaign developed by Unicef ​​since 2010, of which the second edition is fulfilled, with the objective of sensitizing the community about prematurity and its needs as well as to disseminate strategies for preventing prematurity and / or its consequences in those born prematurely.

Last year, strengthening actions were developed for all those involved in the education of children and adolescents who were premature. Campaign dissemination posters were created, a decalogue on the Rights of Premature, a booklet on educational needs of premature babies.

It also spread in the media and institutions through spots with stories of premature babies. This year, there are activities throughout the country that can be consulted from the website of Unicef ​​Argentina.

As we have advanced, in 2011 the focus of the campaign is the right of prematurity to be accompanied by his family all the time, something that we often comment on Babies and more, also for other babies.

In addition, it is claimed that the rights of girls, boys and adolescents who were born prematurely must be respected and for this it is necessary to know them. The informative material (which we will talk about in the next few days) that they make available to the media and the general public intends that objective.

Prematurity is a growing public health problem in Argentina and in many other countries, where many of the children under the age of one who die are premature. For premature babies born with less than 1,500 grams, surviving is really difficult if they don't receive special care.

The accompaniment of the parents is claimed because by ensuring that the family is with their premature baby all the time they are contributing to enable family functions that are strongly protective for the quality of life of the children and contribute to the humanization of The medical care of premature babies.

The Premature Week campaign in Argentina It emerged as an initiative to install prematurity as a national problem and claim the premature as a social being with special health care and education needs. In the next few days we will continue talking about her.

Official Site | Unicef ​​In Babies and more | November 29, Premature Baby Day, The importance of early eye contact between mothers and premature babies

Video: Baby found alive in quake rubble (July 2024).