What to do (and what not to do) if the child ingests detergent, bleach or some other cleaning product

Domestic poisoning intoxication is the second most common cause of childhood poisoning, and many parents do not know how to act or act incorrectly in these cases. Therefore, let's see what should we do if the child swallows bleach, detergent or any other cleaning product.

Seeing or suspecting that our child may have ingested a toxic product, the first reaction may be despair, so it should be informed about what should be done and what should not be done In the event that a child has ingested any cleaning product such as bleach, ammonia, caustic soda, unblockers, detergents, floor washers, dishwashers, metal cleaners, turpentine, toilet cleaners, etc.

First, try to avoid it

Fundamentally, the first thing to know is that it is an avoidable accident, so we must take appropriate safety measures to prevent these items from being available to children. They should preferably be stored in high places, in locked cabinets or safety locks that children cannot open.

The second protective barrier is the containers. These must have special safety caps and child resistant packaging. And finally, there are also products such as Bitrex, a very bitter substance that is added to chemicals to protect children from dangerous liquids.

In Babies and moreAttention to detergent capsules: children confuse them with treats and get intoxicated

But as we know that in homes with children accidents can happen, we will see how should we act to offer first aid.

The majority of poisonings from cleaning products happen around the two years old and 15 percent are produced because the contents of the original container have been transferred to another container.

The symptoms of intoxication can be vomiting (sometimes with blood), continuous drooling, burning in the mouth and throat, fever, swelling of the mouth and lips, pain in the throat and chest when swallowing.

In Babies and more Childhood poisonings: children see different things

What we should not do if the child swallows any cleaning product

  • Do not try to cause vomiting: It is very common to believe that by having the child return the liquid he has ingested, he can cure the poisoning. But this is not only false but may cause even more damage. When vomiting corrosive liquid, it passes through the larynx, esophagus and can cause injury. Therefore the recommendation is not cause vomiting and avoid it, as far as possible.

  • Ingesting milk, water, egg white or offering food is also contraindicated, because it can cause digestive lesions.

What should we do if the child swallows a cleaning product?

  • If there is less suspicion of intoxication, call 112 or the Toxicological Information Service (SIT) (91 562 04 20) to ask for directions or, where appropriate, go urgently to the primary care center or hospital.

  • It is necessary to take the container or the label of the product that has been ingested to be able to determine which was the toxic and thus proceed to the correct treatment. If we are not sure what exactly the medicine has been taken, collect in a bag all that is in the house and take them to the doctor.

  • It is also important to inform you about the amount that has been ingested, the time elapsed, whether or not you have vomited and the symptoms that occurred. Once in the hospital or in the health center, the doctor will determine the treatment to follow as gastric lavage, administration of an absorbent or laxatives.

In Babies and more Household poisoning hazards: cleaning products

Photos | iStockphoto and Antonio Jose Cespedes on Pixabay
In Babies and more | First aid. Poisoning, The most frequent poisonings in childhood

Video: Laundry Detergent Packets Still Harmful to Children (May 2024).