This Christmas, give your 3-year-old son a television for his room

When a child turns three it is when he begins to discover that in the world there are other little people like him and other older people, who also have their own concerns, their own desires and their own expectations.

Then they realize that the needs of other children may collide with their own, and that there are times when they win and others when they are lost. In this way a process that usually receives the name of socialization begins (the child begins to understand that he lives in a society) and also begins an emotional learning, very important for his mental health.

It is not that he begins to feel emotions, but that is when he begins to understand them (he begins, little by little), to know them and sometimes he is even able to name them (“I am happy”). In summary, the 3 years, the moment in which a child begins to understand that he lives in society and the moment in which he begins to know emotions, it's a good time to put a television in your roomSo, if you don't know what to give him for Christmas, you already have the perfect gift (if you've been scared, keep reading).

Ok, it's a lie, it's not the best time, but a third of 3-year-olds in the United States have a, so hundreds of thousands of parents in America believe that 3 years is a good time for a child of this age to have a television in his room.

Are we crazy, or what? (Are we crazy?)

In the first years of children's lives, their brain develops at a dizzying pace. In addition to developing as individual people, they begin to develop as social beings and therefore The most advisable thing is that they can interact with people, can explore the environment, can have toys and "tools" with which to receive stimulation and can have time for free play..

If you watch TV a little, then nothing happens, hey, that all parents resort to TV at times of maximum need, but from there to do it shamelessly, putting the television directly in their room, goes a bit.

It is one thing to turn on the television in the dining room for a while, while we are doing things and go from time to time to see that everything is correct and, as soon as we can, pay attention to the child who needs our attention and another very different is Put a television in your room. That they have three years, by God, not fifteen.

The television contents are not educational, they do not stimulate and do not help the child to know himself, or to know others, or to know the world in which he lives. It is not that they are bad, it is that there are many much better things for children and that is why we should not abuse the screens.

Why in America three-year-olds have television

As we can read in an article published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the parents explain that the children have television because it serves as a pacifying element (of course, in front of the TV they usually bother less), because it is a safe activity (it is not necessary to watch them too much) and so, in the meantime, the parents can do other things how to prepare food, prepare for work or do things at home. Others even say they do it for their children to watch educational programs, because they are "very important for their development" (Oh, my god!).

Anyway, there are many things about Americans that amaze me for good and many others that amaze me for bad. This is one of them. This Christmas, by the way, look for alternatives to television for the room, surely you find very cool toys, wonderful stories or just some time to spend with your children.

Video: If kids were in charge (May 2024).