Eye Baby: safety sign to cross the street with the baby carriage

A simple security system which is easily installed in the baby carriage is Eye baby, designed to improve your baby's visibility in crosswalks.

It consists of a small signaling device that is incorporated into the stroller as a barrier, so that the child can operate it to make himself visible. In this way, in addition to alerting vehicles to the presence of the cart when crossing the street, the child becomes a participant in the care of their own physical integrity, thus promoting road safety since they are little.

Of course, if the child is very young, the parents activate the mechanism, but in time it will be he who incorporates the gesture of activating the stop hand signal when you cross the street.

I thought it was a great invention, especially since it is simple and there is an educational intention behind it.

Eye baby It is a device that helps to draw the attention of the driver on the presence of the stroller and give him more time to react, since the abuses are the first cause of death within the urban road accident, but at the same time it favors the road education of the children in their early years and reinforces the attention of parents and drivers.

We leave you with a video that best illustrates the way Eye Baby works.