Wonderland: children's drawings become reality

We already talked about these original photographs a few years ago, although it was not until this weekend when I met them, and I think it is a good time to rediscover them. I loved it Wonderland, a project that captures the dreams and fantasy of children's drawings in photographs.

A work that we imagine arduous at times, because children do not understand perspectives or colors to draw: they do not put limits on their imagination. And what happens when we try to reproduce that child's drawing in reality?

The South Korean artist Yeondoo Jung he has been able to verify it since 2004 in his series "Wonderland", in which teenagers reproduce the stories of children between five and seven years and then he photographs, with beautiful results.

The truth is that about 1200 drawings collected in different schools selected 17, with scenes of princesses, stories, home prints, country, dreamlike ... There is no distinction between fiction and reality, color floods everything.

The photographer explains why he noticed children's drawings To create this photo collection:

Childhood is the height of freedom. Children can invent a new world with four markers and a sheet of paper, which contrasts with the testimonial, journalistic and realistic nature of conventional photography. Wonderland reflects and plays with both sides of that coin.

Of course, the young people in charge of giving reality to the drawings also put on their side a good dose of imagination, without distorting the aesthetics of children's drawings transferred to Jung's photography in Wonderland. It would be interesting to do something similar with our children's drawings ...