Learn to eat: guidelines for proper eating

Currently with the lifestyle we lead, we can verify that we eat badly and excessively. Our rhythm of life has made us replace the traditional mediterranean diet for other rich in animal fats. This has led us to be located in Europe as the most obese, increasing cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension and other diseases associated with poor diet and that increasingly arise at younger ages.

To give an example, the Asturian Society of Family and Community Medicine has recently published data where the Principality exceeds national average rates in both obesity and sedentary lifestyle, with women over 45 and children being the two groups in which the increase in overweight has evolved alarmingly.

For all this the nutrition experts They have been trying for several years let's learn to eat. Their recommendations are to have personalized diets that fit the needs of each one, that is, it is not only important to know the calories of the food but that it would include a regularity in the schedules in the food (many times we skip the meals for lack of time), eat slowly and without television, avoid pecking between hours and of course do not eat restrictive and unbalanced diets to lose weight that then entail binge eating.

The experts want to make it very clear that there are no miracle diets that allow you to eat everything you want, that is, to lose weight the first thing is to put yourself in the hands of a endocrine or nutritionist to tell us based on our weight and constitution, if we must lose kilos and if so, that we should eat. Any diet should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Almost half of the Spaniards are overweight of them more than 16% are children between 6 and 12 years old, the recommendations are very clear, you should practice some exercise. If we can not try to walk at a good pace, getting off a couple of stops before going to work, to school and when returning home. And also make our Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, legumes, fruit, fish, with low sugar intake.

Let's take care of ourselves and teach the little ones in the house to eat properly so they can have a healthy life.