Exhibition of reborn babies in Madrid

It is not that I am a potential spectator, but if you are interested in reborn babies, those hyper-realistic dolls that could almost fool the most observant, for the first time in Spain there is an exhibition. In the Hotel Convention of the capital this weekend takes place "Expo reborn Madrid 2012".

The exhibition is organized by the Reborn Paradise platform with the aim of disseminating the art of reborn in Spain, giving national artists the opportunity to exhibit their creations. This fair is intended for a wide variety of audiences, from doll collectors to the most curious.

A reborn is a hyperrealist doll created by hand, being faithful replicas of real babies with a wide gallery of details: redness, veins, saliva ..., simulating the weight, the look, the touch and even the smell of a baby.

In addition, the public can attend workshops on this artistic technique, visit a nursery with national and international reborn babies and participate in contests and raffles.

These dolls are sometimes used for therapeutic purposes, but there are also future parents who buy them to "practice" and even those who use it to outwit the Civil Guard by carrying it in the vehicle seat to be able to drive through special VAO lanes (for Vehicles With High Occupancy).

In Spain, where there is not yet a stable market, these babies do not usually cost more than 600 euros, although in the United States some creations could be placed on the market for several thousand euros.

The schedules of the reborn doll exhibition at the Madrid Convention Hotel they are, on Saturday, March 10, from 11 to 20 hours, and on Sunday 11, from 11 to 19 hours. Ticket prices are, for a day 6 euros, and the weekend pass, 9 euros (children enter free and there are discounts if purchased online).