Dads and moms blogs (CIX)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with the blog Being a mother: an adventure!, where Silvia made a grandmother classification last week entitled Grandmother Classes: which one do you have at home? (1st part) and (2nd part), in which we can read about the smart grandmother, or the grandmother "buy yourself a monkey!", For a couple of examples.

In Moms, pampering and moreMireia has explained to us that after a long time her son Guerau is in, now she is out. With this he wants to explain to us that there are children who do not like that social life too much, who need calm, peace and closeness, being “inward” who, when they grow up, begin to want precisely what they have avoided because they have not yet it was the moment. I thought it was an interesting mother lesson, respecting those wishes of her son.

In Mikkoriumaplv, the blog of a mother with a child allergic to cow's milk protein, Mikkorium, the mother, tells us about the reactions people have when she tells them that her son is allergic to cow's milk protein , teaching a graph with some of the answers that you usually receive. To frame the “But for a little milk nothing will happen, right? And if you give it to you little by little in your house? ”, Basically because of the risks to the child it carries.

In Minerva and her world, who is becoming one of the regulars of the section, Carol has told us that if she could choose, she would not want a caesarean section, explaining it in response to all those people who would choose caesarean section if they could, because of that, “so you avoid the pain of giving birth. "

In A look to the other sideMousikh tells us that six months have passed since he started working again, leaving his little one at home, and he takes stock of it. I liked it because it is an entry that I think could sign all the women who read our blog (even some men), for the sensations generated by leaving home every day leaving your children with the desire to continue being with you.

In Suddenly mommyMarián explains that, from the interview we did with Teresa García about the awards and punishments, she has begun to wonder if we can educate without rewards and punishments. He asks and also shows some of the steps he has taken to try to get educated without being tempted to punish or reward.

In Of pacifiers and babás, Valeria's mother tells us that she has turned 20 months and tells us a bit about how much she has evolved and what her current milestones are. Taking into account that he was born premature, it is always a pleasure to be able to tell at what point of the road he is now.

In Enjoying together, Rebeca tells us what she has done to understand the behavior of her eldest son. The recipe, if you ask, the one we usually recommend here: try to see things with the eyes of children, and not with ours. It comes to this thanks to a text by Yolanda González, which you can read in the same entry.

To finish, in The children come with a blog under the armBabieca tells us how stupid bureaucracy can be in some places, which does not recognize a baby as a person to register in a civil way until 24 hours have passed. They want to take the documents in the delivery room to go to register the baby and tell them to wait 24 hours, because if under any circumstances the baby dies, they cannot register it. Luckily, this is changing because, as we explained a few months ago, children who live less than 24 hours can already be registered.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.