I Colloquium on “Conciliation and Family Leisure” of the Micropolix Institute

Last February, on one of the television sets of the Micropolix theme park, the I Colloquium on "Conciliation and family leisure".

In Babies and more, we have spoken on many occasions about the situation regarding family conciliation that many Spanish families live. It is a subject that will always have to talk, since unfortunately it is not something that is so easy to achieve.

Therefore, and following some of the conclusions drawn from the study carried out by the Micropolix Institute for Children's Educational Leisure Studies of "Children's Leisure in the Community of Madrid", important people from the world of education and family have gathered. The Micropolix Institute for Children's Educational Leisure Studies was created to encourage research, debate and the exchange of opinions and experiences that help generate knowledge about children's leisure, deepening the characteristics of children's educational leisure.

This I Colloquium on “Conciliation and Family Leisure” of the Micropolix Institute I found it quite interesting, since it is very important that families can have leisure time with their children. And most importantly, that this time should not be just being with them and that's it: it must be time shared with them, time to do activities that make parents and children enjoy together and that, in short, that time is really about quality.