Central Sensitization diseases also occur in childhood. Among its causes: exposure to contaminants

Robert Cabré is a Diploma in Nursing and after having developed his work activity for several years at the Clinical Hospital, now he is dedicated to research and training, he also collaborates with the ASSSEM association (of toilets in the service of Myalgic encephalomyelitis).

This professional has his own blog dedicated to the attention of those affected by calls Central sensitization diseases (SSC), in which you can find various articles related to the presence of any of these pathologies in children. I was especially struck by this, called "SSC in pediatrics, introduction."

The SSC are four pathologies that have some common characteristics: they are chronic, they are related to environmental factors, their affected are faced with many difficulties to be diagnosed (despite the existence of international criteria). I'm talking about the Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electrohypersensitivity.

Not long ago Marcos brought us a very interesting post about Chronic Fatigue and adolescents, today we are going to address these diseases a little more extensively when children suffer from them.

The SSC in the children's stage

The study of these diseases (especially when they occur in a pediatric age) is covered by numerous difficulties, both because of their complexity and because of a bad and tendentious psychological approach since their origin, which has caused many of these diseases are still denied and others put in question their recognition, which limits further investigations in this regard.

Children are the most affected even though the manifestations are more attenuated in this phase of life, but their nervous system, which is in the evolutionary phase, despite the attempt to adapt to the new eventualities, does not leave the exposures unscathed, Therefore, the organisms most sensitive to these exposures show a specific and anticipated symptomatology

SSC central sensitization diseases show some own characteristics during childhood as a stage of human life. And regardless of the age of those affected the process of development of these pathologies is still unknown, long and silent.

In the original article, the author cites other students of the subject, and - among other things - refers to a previous description of fibromyalgia as a pathology that can also affect children, associated with sleep disorders, fatigue, chronic anxiety, mood disorders, headache and increased sensitivity in soft tissues. Always taking into account that musculoskeletal / musculoskeletal pains can be related to multiple pathologies (and even the growth process itself)

Causes that can cause these diseases

Although the causes are still unknown, there is currently scientific evidence that suggests that they may be due to exposure of pollutants, either by way of the placenta, or by direct exposure to both biological agents and other industrial and chemical contaminants.

The generation, environmental appearance and action of "xenobiotics" by the chemical industry, are causing serious effects on humans for some years now. The application of pesticides, initiated with DDT which, despite being banned and disused, currently, in many countries are still transmitted to embryos when stored in the placenta and transferred. In this regard, clear indications of neurotoxicity have been described in workers exposed to herbicides and pesticides

The truth is that I am glad that there is a scientific finding about something that many suspect: exposure to pollutants can be the origin of different pathologies that we have barely heard of, and in which some do not even believe. Unfortunately, the path that a family with an affected member must follow is most tortuous in search of a diagnosis initially (many wait years to confirm it), and subsequently of a treatment, without counting on the possibilities of leading a life say “normal ”Are greatly reduced.

According to the author of the original article, there are publications that point, in some cases, to a relationship due to genetic causes, initially, as a potential risk vector that precipitates when in contact with said biological agents and / or contaminants to a cumulative degree, "Barrel effect.

For me the paragraph that says the following has been very revealing 'Understanding that these diseases are biochemical based on environmental, chemical, immunological effects to study from existing data is as a priority as the need to abandon the archaic, biased and obscure concept of childhood "traumas". Concepts that have never been proven as direct causes of SSC diseases. Of the treatments imposed by these criteria, no cure has been found.

I think it takes a renewal in the approach that Health carries out on SSC, and also that we are all aware of how a polluted Environment can affect our health. The most important issue we must ask ourselves is “what can we do to protect our children from environmental pollutants”, and of course keeping us informed is the first important step.

Video: Biological Effects of Radiation (May 2024).