The Agua de Coco Foundation organizes the first edition of the Solidarity Race “About Madagascar”

The registration period for the First Edition of the “About Madagascar” Solidarity Race organized by the Agua de Coco Foundation is now open. The race will take place next April 15, 2012 in Torrelones, a beautiful city of the Community of Madrid, at ten in the morning and will depart from the Plaza del Caño.

The objective of the race is run for a good cause, get funds for the construction in Tuléar (Madagascar) of a sports school where you can meet the educational needs of the smallest living in the region. The Foundation wants to promote the practice of sport in leisure time thus avoiding wandering and child labor exploitation and form a group of teenagers so that in the future they can find decent work. In addition the idea of ​​the race is very original.

And it will be a simultaneous race in Madagascar and Madrid in order to add the 8,500 Km that separate Spain from that huge island. It is planned that there different categories of brokersThat is why this call is in Peques, because they can go from those who take a pacifier to the professionals.

Not only will there be races, you can also go to perform dance and music workshops, visit the local craft market in Madagascar, enjoy music and have fun in the special entertainment area for children.

The Agua de Coco Foundation is an organization with more than eighteen years of experience in international cooperation projects. The President of the Foundation is Jose Luis Guirao Piñeyro, a veterinarian who left Granada to become useful for other people. It started in Cambodia in 1994 at a family shelter on the street. Apparently at that time coconut water was the only serum accessible to the population and the host house was called Ptea Teuk Dong, which in Cambodian means The House of Coconut Water.

In the links below you can find the registration information for the “About Madagascar” race. In the image that illustrates the article there is a code that can be scanned and also takes you to the registration page. Are you going to miss it?