A 13-year-old teenager sells his game console to buy a car from his mother

William Rabillo He lives in the United States and is 13 years old, but seeing what he has done, he seems older. At an age when most boys spend most of their time tied to video games, he She has decided to sell her game console and do garden work for her neighbors, and thus manage to buy a car from her mother. He wanted to help her, since he has raised him and his brothers alone and now is going through serious economic problems.

Of course, his mother, Krystal Preston, could not hide her pride with the gesture of her son and posted his feat on his Facebook account, thanking him for what he had sacrificed for her at an age when most boys only dream of buying the last console, and not getting rid of it. The entry has been shared more than 2,200 times.

Without a doubt, William's gesture is a good example for other children and a demonstration that teenagers have a good heart and not only give problems, but also many joys, even if the media only echoes bad news.

Krystal tells on Facebook that William showed up at home and said: "Mom, I bought you a car". She laughed out loud, but her son insisted that he go out into the garden. There a woman was waiting for them with a car, and invited them for a ride. He explains that they got on, but even then he didn't think it was real.

When he got down, Willian insisted: "Mom, this is your car" and gave him the keys. And, as he wrote on social networks: "I started crying. I was speechless, my 13 year old son had bought me a car."

Apparently the boy He sold his Xbox console and, as he did not get the money, did work for the owner of the car. This was explained by Willian in an interview with Kolo-TV:

"I saw on the internet that a person who lived nearby sold his car, so I offered him the console in return. As I did not get the money, I offered to do gardening work at home. It seemed like a good deal and I achieved my goal : a car for my mother. "

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Krystal Preston acknowledges that she is very proud of her son: "He is a very good boy. He may have his days, but my God, what a 13-year-old boy buys a car from his mother ... You have such a big heart and I love you ...".

"He is an only child, since he was born"

This single mother has opened a GoFundme account to raise money, because she says they are going through a very bad economic time. There he tells that Willian is a unique person since the day he came into the world.

"He was born with a severe case of biolateral clubfoot. So since he was a week old, William had to undergo several surgeries on both legs for years. But this did not prevent him from doing everything he intended. In fact, he learned to walk with plaster and everything. "

Krystal also says that her son has always been very outgoing and loves to help people, despite having ADHD.

"A couple of years ago he started selling lemonades, then he offered to clean the dog droppings, to work in the garden mowing the lawn, to help with the works ... He does all kinds of work and loves to learn new trades."

I don't know about you, but this teenager's attitude is one of the most inspiring and causes me great tenderness. It is wonderful that our children help us or at least try to do so to the best of their ability. and that's why I couldn't help recognizing Willian's merit, even though he lives on the other side of the puddle.

Surely you also know some young man who since childhood manages to make people smile. We would love you to tell us.

Photos | Facebook Krystal Preston

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