Moebius and Giardino are a good start to read comics with kids

Summer can be a good time to approaching new reading challenges for kids. I have been fortunate this year to find some works edited by the newspaper El País a few years ago in the newsstand and other junkies that are sold in them. Is about Hungarian Rhapsody by Vittorio Giardino (in the image above) and The hermetic garage of Moebius (in the image below).

Vittorio Giardino He is an author who left in 1979 his profession of electronic engineer to devote himself to comics. I love his work, which appeared in 1994 The adventures of Jonas Fink, which tells the adventures of Jonas Fink reviewing the childhood, adolescence and youth of a young Jew in the communist Prague of the 50s. And it is that after his father was arrested, accused of subversive activities against the state and declared enemy of the people, he and his mother, due to their membership in the bourgeois class and their Hebrew origins, suffer all kinds of difficulties caused by the dominant political regime.

It is a comic for children over 10 years old. It is set in Prague and it is fascinating. The one I acquired this summer from Hungarian Rhapsody introduces Max Fridman (also in the image above). Fridman is a retired French spy in Switzerland and is assigned to a mission in 1938 in Budapest. In the comic there are many references to Spain and its civil war, to Germany and the Soviet Union of the time. Vittorio Giardino is Italian, born in 1946 and is a highly recommended author. I have to look for the work They will not pass! Another of his most awarded and acclaimed works by international critics.

And now it comes Jean Giraud, recently deceased using the pseudonym of Moebius. From this author I bought The Hermetic Garage and at home we review it completely fascinated by its images created in 1976 by this impressive author and cartoonist. Moebius began drawing arid Westerns in 1963 with the Lieutenant Blueberry. He had the ability to reinvent himself, what a wonder, creating The Hermetic Garage, Arzach or Celestial Venice. He also teamed up with Alejandro Jodorowsky to draw El Incal who say he is one of the main references of contemporary science fiction and that will also have to be sought.

The images that appear in The Hermetic Garage, in the edition edited by El País are in black and white, are fascinating. Below I leave a link to a gallery that I found on Flickr with color comic images. I dare to say the influence of The Hermetic Garage is in a multitude of science fiction movies. You can recognize scenes and characters from Star Wars, Blade Runner and of course Alien. A highly recommended author and a very simple work, although the story is impossible to understand. Apparently the work was published in a French magazine, Métal Hurlant, with some periodicity and with two, three or four pages in size. Moebius felt totally free to do what he wanted and created an amazing, imaginative and totally new world. further I love the names of the characters: Jerry Cornelius, Major Grubert, Barnier Engineer, the Archer, the Star McHara robot, etc. and the language that applies in the work with spatial and amazing nuances such as, for example, the cable ship that has an absolute prominence in the work.

So i recommend approach a book store, comic section and ask about Moebius or Vittorio Giardino and any of these works. It seems to me that children who begin to approach adolescence You can be fascinated by this creative universe full of imagination, passion, effort and beauty. Eternal comics.

In Peques and More | The 1,001 comics to read before you die More information | On Flickr there is an album of images of the fascinating Hermetic Garage More information | The Country Image | Gianfranco Goria, uzaigaijin