Entrepreneurial mothers: manage interruptions well

When a mother decides to become an entrepreneur and start her own business, she is usually very clear that the objective and the main benefit is that she will be able to have more time for the family. Entrepreneurial mothers must manage interruptions well.

It is normal for us to be interrupted, we just want to be available, but in order to be effective in our work we must also know how to limit our time and space, get our work dedication seriously and find moments to rest.

The inevitable interruptions

Obviously there are going to be interruptions if you work at home, but there are also them in an office. We must distinguish the essential (our children) and those that can be avoided: distractions, fatigue and lack of understanding of the environment.

Precisely one of the best things about working at home is available for interruptions when they are needed, especially if they come from our children. There are those who will choose to work as long as their partner is with the children, or when they are at school, in the nap, asleep at night, in activities away from home. There will also be someone who will decide to hire a person who, in the same house, is with them for a while or will ask a family member to spend time with them a day.

We may be available, but not always be the only ones at home with the children. Nor can we prevent them from calling us on the phone (unless you like me, when you don't want to be interrupted, disconnect it).

With babies it is possible to organize. Having the baby asleep or nursing is not a problem to put you on the computer. Perhaps the most critical ages are when the baby already moves around the house and needs a lot of attention, but organizing time and asking for some help is perfectly possible to find three hours to work.

With children who go to school or with older children who are distracted by themselves for a while or can understand that there are times when you are only available when it is really urgent, it is much simpler.

And, of course, you never have to lose perspective: you work at home to be available to your children when they need you, take care of them if they are ill or play a good time with them 100% concentrated without having to travel.

Minimize interruptions

But what is basic minimize interruptions and that happens to make your environment understand that your work is serious and that being at home does not mean that at any time you can leave everything for talks or go out to run a message.

If you are working you are working, and others must respect it so you can be effective. One thing is an emergency, another that is available to you at any time.

Therefore, it is important that, in our work planning and the care of our children, enterprising mothers know how to manage interruptions, distinguishing those that are inevitable, attention to children and interruptions that are avoidable.