Caring for the feet of the little ones in summer

Among the conditions suffered by children's feet in summer are the 'athlete's foot', friction blisters, dyshidrosis (in children with atopic dermatitis), or wounds / burns caused by walking barefoot and exposed to different external agents. Many times we also encounter the problem of bad smell due to excessive sweating.

The feet are a part of the body that we often forget, and it won't be because of how important they are (Nothing less that they fulfill the function of keeping us upright), and yet we should take extreme care.

The most important recommendation that podiatrists give us is hygiene, and we will keep in mind that at this time it is very important to keep our children's feet (and ours) clean and very dry (especially between the toes).

Foot care in summer.

Walking barefoot is very beneficial for everyone, and not only because of the sand (we do it indoors), although there are many surfaces on which it is completely discouraged. For example, stagnant waters, or common areas (for example the pavement of a playground) dirty and that may contain sharp elements.

That is why we will encourage them to walk barefoot on the beach or an area of ​​grass that we consider safe (free of dog droppings or glass), but always after the games, they should wash their feet again with soapy water, and dry thoroughly.

If we forget the feet, we do even more of your nails, when cutting them we will be careful that they are straight. Y when hardnesses appear on children's feet, it is better to go to a podiatrist who will eliminate them safely, thus avoiding the additional formation of blisters.

To take care of chafing at home, it will be enough to wash well, touch with a gauze moistened with antiseptic, and cover with dressing to protect it from contact with footwear.

As part of summer care, it is hydration (important in the case of atopics) with cream, and excessive sweat treatment: unless we are faced with cases of bad smell, it will be enough to apply talcum powder that dries, softens and at the same time allows perspiration.

When the feet can come into contact with the accumulated moisture, It is necessary to wear rubber shoes to prevent fungal infection. So we must remind children that in the showers of swimming pools and beaches, their flip flops or clogs are put on, to avoid risks.

What is the best shoes for summer?

We will take into account three basic requirements: that are comfortable, that are made of natural fabrics (except, of course, those of rubber that will use to enter showers or not to slip), and that fit well (They should not press or come too big).

As far as possible closed footwear and socks will be avoided, reserving the first for long days of games and walks, ensuring that they are made of cotton (canvas shoes); and leaving the seconds for excursions (they must be made of linen or cotton). These sneakers that I have talked about can be replaced by running sandals, as long as they are not only plastic material, and that hold the toe and heel well with velcro and buckles.

So in summer children may need three types of footwear: rubber to prevent fungal infections, another pair to play or take excursions, and finally (we have not mentioned them) the sandals (preferably leather) are very suitable for short walks, and for other scheduled activities for the family (go to the movies, have an ice cream, etc).

The soles of children's shoes will always be rubber, to facilitate a good grip.

With these tips the feet of your children can continue to enjoy a good summer. And if you are parents of babies forget about footwear: for them there is nothing better than feeling the toes and touching the soles while they go in their stroller or dad's arms.

Images | daphneann, Biscarotte on Flickr In Peques and More | The importance of buying the most suitable footwear for our children, Tips to combat some of the problems associated with sweat in children, Aesthetics, biomechanics and comfort are decisive when buying children's shoes, Creativity embodied in shoes that are decorated with a lot originality by Essence Custome