Madrid schoolchildren learn to take care of their backs

The Professional College of Physiotherapists of the Community of Madrid teaches children between 3 and 8 years how to carry out their daily activities (sports, hygiene, school activities) in the healthiest way possible, to avoid injuries in adulthood, caused by poor postures in childhood.

With this objective, physiotherapy experts visit since 2009 schools in the Community of Madrid that request this free service, to train school children in postural habits, through materials adapted to different ages (puppets, comics, songs, etc.) .
This type of actions they are very important for prevention, and more considering that there are children under eight who complain of back pain.

Many parents are aware that children's bad postural habits can develop back ailments, and there are even parents who believe in the need that postural hygiene education should be a regular activity in schools.

The area in which the pain is most often located is in the cervical, followed by the dorsal, and the lumbar, although there are times when parents do not get to discern the part of the back in which they begin inconvenience

During the course 2011/12 More than 8,000 schoolchildren benefited from the campaign, and learned to transport material, sit, get out of bed or brush their teeth, safely, and take care of their back.

We congratulate the College of Physiotherapists for the initiative.