The new season at the Tyl Tyl theater starts keeping prices

Sesà scene at the Tyl Tyl theater

The Tyl Tyl theater has previously been on our pages, but this time we have to announce that your new course of events will begin on October 7. 'The curtain will rise' with JOP !, which is a show for babies.

'Arte en familia' and 'Sesà' will be the other two works that Tyl Tyl will represent next month at her church on the street in Iglesia Navalcarnero. Although certainly The most important news is that the ticket prices do not go up !, because the company assumes the VAT increase. On October 7, it opens at 12:30 JOP !, the scenery has a work of swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti. In this work, live music opens the way to storytelling, and attendees will be introduced into an imaginary and changing world.

On Sunday October 21, the company represents 'Family Art' inviting participants to create and interpret together as absolute protagonists. It is certainly about a different commitment to family leisure.

In each of the works of this company formed by musicians-actors who reconcile their artistic work with the exploration in the pedagogy of expression, art and education intermingle

And next month's programming closes on Sunday October 28 with 'Sesà': after losing a pen that was intended to be a child's birthday gift, four instruments represent the elements of Nature, to find the one that will provide the desired balance is called 'Sesà'.

The Tyl Tyl Company works with theater, movement, music and plastic, shaping the emotion and sensations of its small spectators. His proposals are very suitable to pass the first stretch of autumn with joy.

Video: SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK - Official Trailer - HD (July 2024).